Wednesday, June 2, 2010

An Insider's Perspective

The 219th General Assembly which will soon convene promises to be a significant event in the life of the PCUSA. The purpose of this blog is to help the reader (primarily members of the Presbytery of Plains and Peaks) to separate the wheat from the chaff so as to understand (1) what really happened (as opposed to someone's "spin"); and (2) its meaning and importance for the life of the presbytery and the PCUSA. In the meantime, I will likely chime in with some waggish remarks in keeping with my slightly jaded and somewhat cynical demeanor -- all in good fun, of course.

Let me introduce myself to those who may not know me. I have served as the Executive Presbyter of the Presbytery of Plains and Peaks since February 2004; I am a member of the GA Advisory Committee on the Constitution and therefore something of a polity "wonk"; and I am a self-affirming GA junkie. The 219th GA will be the 12th I have attended in person. The comments I make in this blog are my own and do not represent the presbytery, the ACC, or anyone else.

The blog will not allow for posting of comments; if you have any feedback, please send it to my email account:, and if it is beneficial, I may share it in subsequent post.